Extra Reading Notes: Ramayana D

For my reading notes, I chose to catch up on my Ramayana reading! This is part D from the PDE Ramayana. 

*Hanuman was able to use powers to get to Lanka, but now Rama and his army of monkeys and bears need to get there

*As Rama approaches, Ravana tries to use his powers to scare Sita more. Ravana's son uses a Nagastra (weapon of serpents) to hurt Rama's army. They are healed by Garuda, the winged mount of the god Indra

*The heros wake Ravana's powerful brother and appease his appetite. After Indrajit uses a brahmastra  to hurt Rama's army, Hanuman must save them. Ravana and his son trick both Rama and Sita, making them believe the other is dead. 

*Rama's brother slays Ravana's son, and Ravana vows revenge. Riding his chariot, Ravana almost succeeds in killing him. Indra sends his own chariot to aid Rama in the battle.

*A forest sage gives Rama advice on how to kill Ravana. Using the brahma-weapon, Rama is able to kill Ravana, fulfilling his purpose as the incarnation of Vishnu. 

*After the battle, Rama is unwilling to stay with Sita, for she has lived in Ravana's house and may have been unfaithful. Sita calls upon the fire god to bear witness and attest to her faithfulness. After, the two fly home in Ravana's chariot and reflect on their travels.

*Rama returns to his family's kingdom to find the sandals saving his spot on the throne. Now, 14 years later, Rama is crowned king. Rama then sends Sita into exile because people in the kingdom do not trust her, due to her time with Ravana. After she is gone and his brother is passed, Rama turns back into Vishnu and leaves the earth. 

Bibliography: M. DuttR. DuttGouldGriffithHodgsonMackenzieNiveditaOmanRichardson, and Ryder, Public Domain Edition of the Ramayana Part D, Ramayana

Rama and Sita on the Throne
