Reading: Jataka Tales

Bibliography: Noor Inayat, The Fairy and the Hare, The Fairy and the Hare

*I chose this Jataka tale because it has a happy ending!

*There was a Hare between a mountain, a vilage and a river, and he looked more beautiful than any Hares that lived near there. 

*He had three animal friends, a jackal, water-weasel and monkey. They were all kind and virtuous animals.

*The three animals decide they are going to go out and find food, but they aren't going to eat it. Instead, they want to give the food away to other animals/people in need.

*The jackal finds a piece of meat and a jar of curdled milk in a hut, and it was clearly someone else's property.

*The water-weasel finds a bunch of fish that a fisherman hid, and stashed it away for someone else.

*The monkey found a bunch of mangos, and stored them away as well.

*All three of the animals planned to eat their findings if nobody came for them. The hare found no food and decided he would give himself as food if anyone came by and was in need. 

*A fairy disguises herself as a poor man, and asks all three of the animals for their food. They say yes, but she doesn't accept (knowing the food was stolen and the animals planned to eat it eventually).

*The hare offers himself, but the fairy casts a fake fire to test him, and he actually plunges into it. When the flames feel cold, the fairy tells the hare it was a test. The hare tells his friends and they all live happily ever after. 

Image of the Fairy God Mother from Shrek
