Learning About Assignments

So far, I have found our Indian Epics class to be very multi-useful. I've attained knowledge about media and technology, the perks of a positive mindset, and about some awesome fellow classmates! There is already so much to gain and we've yet to tackle any of the core material. One of the assignments I am most intrigued by is the storybook project, which supplies not only a creative outlet, but a manner of exploring the creativity of others. When reading about other classes storybook projects of the past, I was particularly entertained by the clever twists on popular movies, TV shows and books. I've never taken a class with such versatile curriculum, and I certainly have never taken a class where the grading and work schedule is entirely up to my own efforts. Being more of a social person, I could definitely see myself taking advantage of some extra commenting for extra credit. I'm very interested to keep going with the course!

An Emoji of a Smart Guy
Smart Guy
